Lifetime Design

Lifetime Design Furniture



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Mrs. RM House

Mrs. RM House

Year : 2021     Project Area : 205,67 Sqm     Location : Bandung

The concept of this house is quite unique, because the owner wants more classic touches on the interior. In the interior area, we carry the concept of open space with a classic modern concept as a whole area.

Mrs. RM House

Mrs. RM House

InteriorBandung5 Ruang205,67 Sqm

Mrs. RM House

Year : 2021     Project Area : 205,67 Sqm     Location : Bandung

The concept of this house is quite unique, because the owner wants more classic touches on the interior. In the interior area, we carry the concept of open space with a classic modern concept as a whole area.

Konsultasi Desain Tanpa Biaya

Konsultasikan kebutuhan Anda dengan desainer kami tanpa biaya.

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